Full Childhood Immunological HPx Program Inclusion/Exclusion Preview

All children whose immune systems evidence healthy immune system function and are developing normally are eligible to register in research for the Full Childhood Immunological HPx Program.

Healthy mothers make healthy babies. Natural childbirth, without medications or interventions, optimizes the immune system of the infant. Infant immune systems develop according to the health of the mother though her immune system strength, established biome, and breast feeding. It is normal and necessary for infants to have occasional fevers, runny noses, and discharges. These are signs that the immune system has the capacity to be activated and is responding appropriately to environmental stressors.

Departure from the natural process of conception, gestation, childbirth, and breastfeeding has the potential for short- and/or long-term effects on the health of the infant and their immune system.

Homeoprophylaxis (HPx) is a method of educating the immune system towards the infective process. For the best results it is assumed the HPx Participant has demonstration of healthy immune system function for the immune system to optimally respond to HPx dosing. It is the interplay of infectious disease nosodes with the healthy developing immune system than builds immunity.

Children with a history of disruption in natural pregnancy or birth process, post-partum period, a history of antibiotics or multiple vaccinations, or for pre-existing conditions, or are demonstrating immunological disturbances, are recommended to receive 3-6 months or more of constitutional homeopathy before participating in this program.

Accordingly, we understand that if there are three or more interventions or conditions listed below prior to commencing the Full Childhood Immunological HPx Program we are recommending you to ask your homeopath about your options. HPx is not intended to be used for treatment of pre-existing conditions. This inclusion/exclusion document will also be used to analyze remedy responses and health outcomes from program participation.

All Personal Health Information (PHI) will be held in confidence within the Patron Portal and not associated with any data entered. Non-personal Health Information (non-PHI) will be used for analysis purposes.

All information will be held in confidence in the Patron Portal and not be made available to any private, public, or government entity unless there is cause for concern of self-harm or harm of others where it is required by law to report.

Interventions or conditions Yes
Talk with your practitio ner before proceeding. Constitutional homeopathic care is be needed before proceeding
Coception Natural
Sperm Donar
Artificial insemination
IVF Consult your practitioner: hormones interfere with the immune system.
Frozen Eggs Consult your practitioner: hormones interfere with the immune system.
Pregnancy Antibiotics Healthy Biome HPx first
No Medication of Mother
No Vaccination
Vaccination for mother Consult your practitioner. Consider vaccine detox
Under 3 Ultrasounds Consult your practitioner
Birth Under 3 weeks Premature Consult your practitioner
More than 3 weeks premature Consult your practitioner
Unassisted natural vaginal birth
Induced vaginal birth Consider Pitocin clearing
Medicated birth Consider reparation before proceeding
Caesarean section Consider reparation before proceeding
NICU Consult your practitioner
Hypoxia at birth Consult your practitioner
Medications at birth Vit k shot
Antibiotics Healthy biome program first
Eye Antibiotics
Vaccination Consult your practitioner. Consider vaccine detox
Other Consult your practitioner
Lactation Breast Fed
Combo breast and formula
Formula only Consider Healthy biome program first
Childhood antibiotics 1-4 times Consider Healthy biome program first
5 or more times Consult your practitioner
Childhood Vaccinations 1-5 vaccine diseases
5-10 vaccine diseases Consult your practitioner Consider vaccine detox before
11 or more vaccine diseases Consult your practitioner for Vaccine detox before commencing program
Pre-existing Conditions Asthama Consult your practitioner
Eczema Consult your practitioner
Allergies Consult your practitioner
Repeated illness Consult your practitioner
Developmental delays Consult your practitioner
Behavioral difficulties Consult your practitioner
Atypical neurological development Consult your practitioner

Please proceed to Intake and checkout , repeat form for additional children and check out

3 or more X : Thank you for considering the Healthy Biome HPx. At this time, we recommend a full health intake with your HPx Practitioner and constitutional homeopathic care to address some of your underlaying conditions more thoroughly before proceeding with the Health y Biome HPx Protocol. Once stabilized in health then re - register.
Access all HPx Programs by becoming and FHCi Patron

Initial Health Profile (one form per registrant)
A. File number B. Date C. HP Supervisor
D. Name of Registrant E. Sex M F DOB
F. Age at time at registration: Years ,Months
Check all that apply.

  1. Conception
    1. Natural
    2. Sperm donor
    3. Artificial insemination
    4. In vitro fertilization
    5. Frozen eggs
  2. Pregnancy
    1. Exposure
      1. Previous medication
      2. Alcohol
      3. Tobacco
      4. Recreational drugs
      5. Dental Fillings
      6. Food or environmental toxins
        1. List
    2. Ultrasound during pregnancy? (Question Type 7)
      1. How many?
      2. Gestation week per ultrasound
    3. Vaccinations
      1. Dates
      2. List
    4. Antibiotics
      1. Mother history of multiple antibiotics
      2. Pregnancy how many times
      3. When
  3. Birth
    1. Home Birth
    2. Hospital Birth
    3. Medicated labor
      1. Pitocin induction
      2. Epidural
      3. Both Pitocin and Epidural
      4. Other
    4. Caesarian Birth
    5. Born Full-Term
    6. Born Premature
      1. # weeks
    7. Vitamin K shot
    8. Antibiotics
    9. Other medications child has received
      1. List
  4. Infant feeding (Check all that apply and number of months)
    1. Breast milk
    2. Milk-formula
    3. Milk-formula
    4. Other
  5. Has child has been exposed to or developed any of the following diseases prior to undertaking this HPx program
    1. Tuberculosis
    2. Polio
    3. Streptococcal disease
    4. Diphtheria
    5. Whooping cough
    6. Pneumonia
    7. Haemophilus Inf B
    8. Meningitis
    9. Tetanus
    10. Mumps
    11. Measles
  6. Dates developed
  7. Severity and duration of disease(s) as checked above
    1. Mild expression (few symptoms lasted 1-2 days)
    2. Medium expression (more systemic lasting 3-5 days, in bed some of the time, could address with home remedies)
    3. Intense expression (full system disease expression, needing additional medical care including homeopathic or allopathic medicine)
    4. Severe expression (Emergency room and hospitalization, life support)
  8. List of previous vaccinations if any, number of doses dates
    1. List
      1. Number of doses
      2. Dates

Please indicate if your child has or does experience any of the following; how often, and to what degree of intensity.


  1. Never
  2. Rarely; 1-2 times /year
  3. Occasionally; 3-6 times/year
  4. Frequently; once a month
  5. Chronically; all the time
    1. Ear infections
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    2. Colds/sore throats/coughs
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    3. Seasonal allergies
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
      3. Type
    4. Food allergies
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
      3. Type
    5. Asthma
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    6. Eczema
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    7. Behavioral conditions
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    8. Violence
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    9. Mood swings
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    10. Fears
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    11. Learning disorders
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    12. speech delay
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    13. disturbance in cognitive function
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    14. disturbance in social function
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    15. Neurological conditions
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv
    16. Learning disorders
      1. Frequency 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
      2. Intensity i, ii, iii, iv

Intensity (if at all) If never leave blank

  1. almost not noticeable
  2. mild symptoms
  3. moderate intensity
  4. severe


  1. File number:
  2. Today’s Date:
  3. Practitioner:
  4. While HPx Programs are not intended to treat pre-existing conditions, it may be that after completing such a course of remedies health may improve. As such as there may be some condition you are hoping to address through this HPx program please complete the following.
    Choose one or two symptoms (physical or mental) which bother you the most. Write them on the lines. Now consider how bad each symptom is, over the last week, and score it by circling your chosen number.

    As good as it could be, 6 as worse as it could be.

  5. Symptom one
      a. Rate: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  6. Symptom two
      a. Rate: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  7. Now choose one activity (physical, social, or mental that is important to you, and that one or both problems above prevent you from doing it.
  8. Activity
      a. Rate: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  9. How would you rate your general feeling of well being during the last week prior to commencing this HPx Program?
    • a. Rate: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  10. How long have you had Symptom one
    • 0-4 weeks
    • 4-12 weeks
    • 3 months to 1 year
    • 1-5 years
    • Over 5 years
  11. Are you taking medication for this problem. Yes/No
    • If Yes; name of medication and dosage
      • Is cutting down this medication…
        • Not important
        • A bit important
        • Very Important
        • Not applicable
    • if No
    • Is avoiding medication for this problem
      • Not important
      • A bit important
      • Very Important
      • Not applicable

Book your registration appointment with your practitioner here.

  • This is your file number
  • Link to Patron Portal
  • 3.Link to d. 3. Young Adult and College Prep HPx Exit interview.