Homeoprophylaxis (HPx) is a method by which potentized disease agents are used to activate appropriate immunological responses (natural immunity). These responses in turn enhance all parameters of health for the individual on physical, emotional, and psycho-spiritual levels.
The methodology of HPx and Vaccination have the same history and philosophy of starting in the mid to late 1800’s. They both introduce immunological agents to create an immune response. However, HPx introduces only the energetic information of individual infectious diseases, with homeopathic remedies called nosodes.
Homeopathic Nosodes, such as the remedies included in the HPx Program kits, are potentized preparations of the relative disease organism or human discharges produced in response to that particular disease process. Nosodes are manufactured according to homeopathic manufacturing standards of serial dilution and shaking at each dilution step to eliminate the material substance and reveal the energy signature of the disease. Nosodes are only available through practitioners.
The Goal of HPx is to activate maturing immune systems to recognize disease energy and to rehearse a balanced coordinated immune response to potential future exposures to that disease. Dosing with HPx nosodes offers the body an opportunity to contemplate the physical manifestations of a disease process through mild short-lived fevers, localizations, and elimination routes. HPx remedies can be used before exposure, during active disease, or to facilitate complete resolution of the disease. HPx remedies can also be used to clear inherited tendencies in the immune system.
Access to HPx: Your patronship to FHCi provides you access to HPx Practitioners and ongoing educational opportunities. Access to HPx nosodes is facilitated through a private agreement FHCi holds with the pharmacy that provides remedy kits to you. Finally, access includes data collection for research purposes. FHCi will continue to monitor the safety, effectiveness, and efficacy of HPx through ongoing research to make HPx more accessible to all. As an FHCi Patron, you will be able to access the Patron Portal where all dosing and records is to be registered.
Who uses HPx: HPx has been used around the world for every age group in local acute outbreaks or in epidemics for the last 200 years. Most recently, for the 2020 pandemic, FHCi research and verified the application of HPx to prevent contagion and treat. HPx can be used for a variety of immunological needs for all members of the family. It is safe and effective for infants, small children, adults, pregnant woman, and the elders to keep their immune systems active, energized and in top shape to strengthen and mature the immune system and lessen to the need for susceptibility to infectious disease.
While HPx Programs are intended to be self-administered, access to nosodes and the support of working with one of our HPx Practitioners is only available through FHCi Patronship.